Online Reading Skills Activities
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Earn points and rewards by testing and building your reading comprehension skills. See your teacher for log-in details.
Earn points and rewards by testing and building your reading comprehension skills. See your teacher for log-in details.
Novel Studies
Term 1 Focus : Interactive Fiction - Immerse yourself in the story.
In Term 1 we will be exploring a selection of interactive fiction books such as the Interplanetary Spy series.
These fun and immersive stories, written in the second person, are all about problem solving and decision making, with plenty of tricky visual puzzles thrown in. As we read and enjoy the stories together, we'll be focusing on building our group work and collaboration skills by solving the problems in small teams. We hope it will give you the opportunity to get to know your new classmates a little better. Will you and your team survive until the end? |
Term 2 Focus - A prize winning Novel Study
Our Shared Reading adventure for this term focuses on the wonderful story of Annemarie and her Danish family during World War 2.
Focus your reading by keeping an eye out for the answers to these questions as you move through the story. I can't wait to find out what happens next! |
Term 3 Focus - Collaborative Reading Groups
Term 4 Focus - Independent Novel Studies
Reading Recommendations by 4B
Keep an eye out in the library for these cool books recommended by your classmates.
Will they become your new favourite book too, or do you have another that you'd like to recommend? Please see PM to share your ideas.
Will they become your new favourite book too, or do you have another that you'd like to recommend? Please see PM to share your ideas.
This classic fantasy story comes highly recommended by L. It's also a Newbery Honor winner.
The story begins when Elmer Elevator (the narrator's father as a boy) runs away with an old alley cat to rescue a flying baby dragon on a faraway island. With the help of two dozen pink lollipops, rubber bands, chewing gum, and a fine-toothed comb, Elmer disarms the fiercest of beasts, but will he rescue the dragon? L recommends this book to both boys and girls in Grade 4, but if you have a younger brother or sister at home it could be a fun one to read to them at bedtime too. If you'd like to listen to this book too, and read along with the narrator, click on the word (LISTEN) to the left.
This modern take on a classic fantasy story was recommended by A.
Belle (the lead character) has dreamt of adventures like the ones she reads about in her books, of traveling the world outside her small town. But when Belle's father is taken prisoner by a beast in an enchanted castle, her life is forever changed. Enjoy this story, nearly 300 years old, about adventure and love, and about looking past first appearances! This link (click on the pic) will take you to a free online version of the more traditional tale. To read the new (movie) version of the book which A loved so much, you may like to try the library or speak to A in person. Click on the (LISTEN) icon to access a free read-along storybook version of this traditional tale. It's a simple but fun alternative to the versions above.
Interested in reading more recommendations from other kids all around the world? Try The Spaghetti Book Club. Click below.