Sound Scattegories
This a fantastic game to play with your family. It is a variation on the game Scattegories. In this version you must focus on the sounds made in words and on the various spelling choices we use to make them. See the rules below.
Each player has three minutes to think of as many obscure words as they can that contain a given sound, and fit into one of ten randomly selected categories. Players score 3 points for every unique word that they list and spell correctly (a word that no other player has listed); 2 points for any unique word spelled incorrectly, 1 point for any correctly spelled words also listed by another player, and 0 for incorrectly spelled words listed by others.
To get started:
1. Spin the sound spinner to determine the sound you will be playing with.
2. Refresh the category selector below (Hint: Hover over the list and click the Rerun button).
3. Start a timer (there's one beneath the list if you need it).
4. Stop and score when the timer reaches 3 minutes (or whatever time you and the other players agree on).
5. Play 3 or more rounds to determine the overall winner.
Hint: It may be helpful to have a dictionary on hand to check the spelling of any tricky words players come up with.
Have fun!
Each player has three minutes to think of as many obscure words as they can that contain a given sound, and fit into one of ten randomly selected categories. Players score 3 points for every unique word that they list and spell correctly (a word that no other player has listed); 2 points for any unique word spelled incorrectly, 1 point for any correctly spelled words also listed by another player, and 0 for incorrectly spelled words listed by others.
To get started:
1. Spin the sound spinner to determine the sound you will be playing with.
2. Refresh the category selector below (Hint: Hover over the list and click the Rerun button).
3. Start a timer (there's one beneath the list if you need it).
4. Stop and score when the timer reaches 3 minutes (or whatever time you and the other players agree on).
5. Play 3 or more rounds to determine the overall winner.
Hint: It may be helpful to have a dictionary on hand to check the spelling of any tricky words players come up with.
Have fun!
See the Pen Categories by PakMatt (@PakMatt) on CodePen.
Note: The categories are randomly selected from a list of 60. If a category appears twice in your list, just click RERUN to generate a new list.